
Bedding & Sleep Blog | Downlite

​Say Goodbye to Restless Nights

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on 3rd Nov 2020

​Say Goodbye to Restless Nights

Do you want to take back control of your nights?Do you spend your nights waking up, changing position, getting up, thinking, and exploring social media to pass the time as best you are able? If so, yo …

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Enhancing the Comfort of Seniors in Bed

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on 19th Oct 2020

Enhancing the Comfort of Seniors in Bed

Sleep plays a vital role in our health, and even more so when we are older. It soothes the mind and allows you to recover after a busy day, even boosting your immune system. With advancing age, howeve …

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​How to Benefit from Nighttime Strokes of Genius

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on 21st Sep 2020

​How to Benefit from Nighttime Strokes of Genius

Many of us have experienced original or breakthrough thoughts while dropping off to sleep or waking up in nice sheets, and these anecdotes have been corroborated by scientific studies. Observations an …

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Five Simple Tips for Better Sleep in Stressful Times

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on 11th Aug 2020

Five Simple Tips for Better Sleep in Stressful Times

Five Simple Tips for Better Sleep During Stressful TimesCOVID-19 is impacting our society in significant ways. The increase in anxiety and stress has increased insomnia, intense dreams, restlessness, …

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​Cooling Bedding Helps You Sleep In Warm Weather

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on 18th May 2020

​Cooling Bedding Helps You Sleep In Warm Weather

Like everyone, we look forward to the summer. Long, beautiful days and outdoor activities are pleasures we enjoy with the arrival of summer. For many of us, this season gives us new energy. But wha …

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​Calming the Anxious Brain

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on 23rd Apr 2020

​Calming the Anxious Brain

All people, and especially those who are more sensitive, are subject to stress arising from many sources, such as our environment, hectic schedules and daily rhythms. Stress has been identified as one …

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