
Bedding & Sleep Blog | Downlite

​It's Too Hot, Honey

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on 1st Nov 2021

​It's Too Hot, Honey

Some mammals can withstand extreme temperatures, such as the camel, ostrich, and the tiny remarkable water bear. Humans, not so much. We can survive in air temperatures between -40 and +120 degrees Fa …

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​What's Your Sleep Midpoint?

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on 15th Jul 2021

​What's Your Sleep Midpoint?

The burden of too much information has been observed for centuries. The American essayist and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson elegantly observed, “There are many things of which a wise man might wish …

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​Sleep in Maximum Darkness for a More Serene Sleep

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on 25th Mar 2021

​Sleep in Maximum Darkness for a More Serene Sleep

Light, whether it comes from the outside (natural lighting, public lighting or advertising) or from the inside (electronic devices, night lights), is harmful to sleep. Light disrupts the secretion of …

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The Holy Grail of Sleep (and How to Attain It)

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on 15th Mar 2021

The Holy Grail of Sleep (and How to Attain It)

The self-help section of the bookstore has lots of advice about improving your life and status. From the venerable How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936) to the contemporary How to Talk to Som …

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​A Peek at the Bedroom Routine of the Queen

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on 6th Jan 2021

​A Peek at the Bedroom Routine of the Queen

In times past, monarchs engaged in elaborate and semi-public rituals conducted from their beds, inviting witnesses to everything from childbirth (to verify heritage), to conducting state business, to …

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Sleep Surveys Reveal Comforting Facts

Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on 10th Nov 2020

Sleep Surveys Reveal Comforting Facts

People enjoy reading the results of surveys for a variety of reasons. Some want validation that others share their own ideas or opinions, some want to see what others are thinking or doing in the same …

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