Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on Dec 07, 2020
Bedding & Sleep Blog | Downlite
“It's unwise to pay too much, but it's worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money - that's all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing y
Posted by Aline Martin O'Brien on Sep 21, 2020
How to Benefit from Nighttime Strokes of Genius
Many of us have experienced original or breakthrough thoughts while dropping off to sleep or waking up in nice sheets, and these anecdotes have been corroborated by scientific studies. Observations an
Posted by Stefan Hunter on Jan 02, 2020
What Bedding Is Made In The USA?
Frequently, we're asked: "What bedding is made in the USA?"
from customers wanting to only buy American-made bedding. The answer is
tricky, because most fabrics are woven in China. While some high
Posted by DOWNLITE on Sep 03, 2019
Are Your Blinds Keeping You Awake?
If you travel with binder clips to seal the tiny crack between hotel room
curtains, you’re probably someone who is very sensitive to light. But
even if you don’t consider yourself particularly sen
Posted by Matt Cardoni on Dec 28, 2018
Cotton Bedding Alternatives
You’re in the bedding aisle at the store, scanning the shelves, trying to choose amongst the many options and wondering which may embody the sleep environment you’ve been imagining. But where to s
Posted by DOWNLITE on Dec 11, 2017
3 Home Remedies for Congestion
It's happened to everyone. It's late, your nose is stuffy, and you can't breathe. You shuffle to the medicine cabinet and dig around for some relief, to no avail. There are no pills that can fix yo