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What's the Best Way to Store Spare Bedding

Posted by Stefan Hunter on Apr 10, 2016

What's the Best Way to Store Spare Bedding

How do you properly store bedding when you are not using it? Some people may change to a new set of bedding each time they wash another one. Others have just one set of sheet for each season; one for the warm months and a thicker, heavier set (perhaps with additional blankets) for the cold months. Either way, you want to store your bedding so that it is fresh, clean, free of wrinkles, and smelling good whenever you take it out to use it again.

Specialty bedding, like down pillows and comforters, may need special care when storing it to make sure it stays at its best. Here's what to do to store it the right way.


Sheets are pretty easy. They are thin, so frequent washing will eventually wear them down and cause holes to form. Don't wash them more than once a week unless you are prepared to replace them frequently.

When storing sheets, make sure they are completely dry before putting them away. This will ensure no mold or mildew grows on them, which would ruin them. Store them in a cool, dry place, such as a drawer or closet. Lining the storage area with acid-free tissue paper will keep the sheets from turning yellow if you are going to be storing them for a long time. As a bonus tip, place your fitted, flat sheets and pillowcases inside of another pillowcase. This keeps all your sheet sets together!


Like any bedding, you should wash your comforter before storing it. It is always best to store freshly cleaned bedding. Just make sure it is completely dry inside and out. Any little bit of moisture could damage it if you put it away while still damp. This is doubly true of down comforters, since they are made of a natural material.

When your comforter is clean, put it in a cloth storage bag in a place that is away from the light. Plastic storage bags can trap bad odors and allergens in with the comforter. Cloth storage bags allow the fabric to breathe and keep the comforter fresh for when you want to use it again. Keeping it away from the light ensures the integrity of its color will be protected.


You probably won't store pillows as often as you do the rest of your bedding (though you’ll likely replace them more frequently).

To keep pillows in good condition, fluff them every day. When you do wash them, which should only be seasonally (every 6 months), follow the manufacturer's directions since washing methods will vary according to the filling in the pillow.

You can wash pillow cases once a week to keep them clean and allergen-free for a good sleeping environment. If you do store pillows, keep them in a cloth bedding bag in a cool, dark place. This will ensure they stay fresh for when you want to use them again.


Bedspreads and blankets should be treated much like sheets when storing them.

  • Wash them first
  • Make sure they are completely dry
  • Fold them neatly so that they don't have too many creases
  • Stack them one on top of the other in a drawer or closet, preferably one lined with acid-free tissue paper
  • Make sure the storage area is cool and dry

Storing bedding isn’t hard when you know what to do.

Pay special attention to down pillows and comforters, as these are particularly prone to attracting allergens if they are not stored properly, and can grow mold and mildew if they are put away damp. Once you've got your bedding stored properly, you will be very pleased you did so. Proper storing will make all the difference when you go to take them out of storage and use them again. Hotel bedding that is fresh and smelling good right out of storage is the best!

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